How to Clean Stainless Steel Jewellery: Tips and Tricks

Cleaning your stainless steel jewellery can seem like a daunting task, but with the right tools and simple techniques, it is a breeze. Stainless steel jewellery is known for its durability and resistance to tarnishing, but it can still accumulate dirt and grime over time. 

There are several methods for cleaning stainless steel jewellery, including using soap and water, toothpaste, baking soda, vinegar, and an ultrasonic cleaner. Each method has its benefits and drawbacks, so it's important to choose the one that's best for your specific piece of jewellery. With a little bit of effort and the right approach, you can keep your stainless steel jewellery looking shiny and new for years to come.

stainless steel jewellery

Benefits of Stainless Steel Jewellery

Stainless steel jewellery is a popular choice for many reasons. Here are some of the benefits of choosing stainless steel jewellery:


Stainless steel is a highly durable material that can withstand daily wear and tear. It is resistant to scratches and dents, making it an ideal choice for those who lead an active lifestyle.


Stainless steel is resistant to corrosion, which means it won't rust or tarnish over time. This makes it a great choice for jewellery that will be exposed to water or other liquids.


Stainless steel is also hypoallergenic, which means it is less likely to cause an allergic reaction in people with sensitive skin. This makes it a great choice for those who have had allergic reactions to other types of jewellery.


Stainless steel jewellery is fashionable and versatile. It can be worn with a variety of outfits and styles, making it a great choice for those who want a piece of jewellery that can be worn daily.


Stainless steel jewellery is cost-effective and has a low lifecycle cost. It is less expensive than other types of jewellery, making it a great choice for those who are on a budget.

Stainless steel jewellery comes in a variety of styles, including rings, brooches, bracelets, and necklaces. Whether you are looking for a piece of jewellery to wear every day or for a special occasion, stainless steel jewellery is a great choice.

Why Clean Stainless Steel Jewellery

Keeping your stainless steel jewellery clean is not only important for its aesthetic appeal but also for its longevity. Regular cleaning and maintenance can prevent tarnish, corrosion, staining and rust, which can damage your jewellery over time.

Stainless steel jewellery is durable and resistant to scratches, but it still requires proper care to maintain its shine and lustre. Dirt, oil, and other substances can build up on your jewellery, making it look dull and unattractive. Cleaning your jewellery regularly can restore its shine and keep it looking new.

In addition to cleaning, proper storage is also essential to keep your jewellery in good condition. Storing your jewellery in a dry and cool place can prevent moisture from building up, which can lead to tarnish and corrosion.

Another important factor in preserving your stainless steel jewellery is to create a protective barrier. Applying a clear coat or wax can help protect your jewellery from scratches and other damage.

round stainless steel earrings

Materials Needed for Cleaning

When it comes to cleaning your stainless steel jewellery, there are a few materials that you'll need to have on hand. Here are some of the essential items that you will need:

  • Warm Water: You will need warm water to help loosen any dirt or grime that may be on your jewellery. Make sure the water is not too hot, as this can damage your jewellery.
  • Mild Dish Soap: A mild dish soap is an effective cleaning agent that can help remove dirt and grime from your jewellery. Be sure to avoid using harsh chemicals or abrasive cleaners, as these can scratch or damage your jewellery.
  • Baking Soda: Baking soda is a mild abrasive that can help remove stubborn stains or tarnishes from your jewellery. Mix a small amount of baking soda with water to make a paste, and then use a soft cloth to gently rub it onto your jewellery.
  • Toothpaste: Toothpaste is another mild abrasive that can help clean your jewellery. Use a non-gel toothpaste and a soft-bristled toothbrush to gently scrub your jewellery.
  • Polishing Cloth: A polishing cloth is a soft, lint-free cloth that can be used to buff your jewellery to a shine. Make sure to use a clean, dry polishing cloth to avoid scratching your jewellery.
  • Microfiber Cloth: A microfiber cloth is a soft, absorbent cloth that can be used to dry your jewellery after cleaning. Microfiber cloths are also great for removing fingerprints and smudges from your jewellery.
  • Vinegar: Vinegar is a natural cleaning agent that can help remove tarnish from your jewellery. Mix equal parts white vinegar and water in a bowl, and then soak your jewellery in the solution for a few minutes before rinsing it off with warm water.
  • Aluminum Foil: Aluminum foil can be used to create a simple cleaning solution for your jewellery. Line a bowl with aluminium foil, add a few tablespoons of baking soda and a cup of hot water, and then soak your jewellery in the solution for a few minutes before rinsing it off with warm water.
  • Ultrasonic Cleaner: An ultrasonic cleaner is a device that uses high-frequency sound waves to clean your jewellery. These devices are typically used by professionals, but there are also smaller, more affordable models available for home use.
  • Jewelry Cleaning Kit: A jewellery cleaning kit typically includes a variety of cleaning solutions, cloths, and brushes that are specifically designed for cleaning jewellery. These kits can be a convenient and effective way to keep your jewellery looking its best.
  • Stainless Steel Cleaner: If you have a large collection of stainless steel jewellery, you may want to invest in a stainless steel cleaner. These cleaners are specifically designed to clean and polish stainless steel and can help keep your jewellery looking shiny and new.
  • Dishwashing Soap: If you don't have any mild dish soap on hand, you can also use a small amount of dishwashing soap to clean your jewellery. Just be sure to rinse it off thoroughly with warm water to avoid leaving any residue behind.

stainless steel necklace

Cleaning Process for Stainless Steel Jewellery

Cleaning stainless steel jewellery is a simple process that can be done at home with basic tools and materials. Here's how to clean your stainless steel jewellery:

  1. Fill two small bowls with warm water. One of the bowls will be used for washing the jewellery, while the other one will be used for rinsing it. Make sure that the bowls you are using are large enough to completely submerge the jewellery.
  2. Add 2 to 3 drops of mild dish soap into the first bowl. Dip the corner of a soft cloth into the water and soap mixture. Rub the cloth along the jewellery. Using a soft-bristle toothbrush, rub any excess grime away.
  3. Dip the stainless steel jewellery item into the second bowl to rinse it. Use a dry cloth to wipe away any excess water.
  4. For a deep clean, you can use baking soda. Mix baking soda and water into a paste, and apply it to the jewelry with a soft cloth. Leave the paste on for a few minutes, then rinse it off with warm water. Dry the jewellery with a clean microfiber cloth and put it on a soft towel to eliminate any lingering moisture.
  5. Ultrasonic cleaners can also be used to clean stainless steel jewellery. These cleaners use high-frequency sound waves to create bubbles that clean the jewellery. However, be sure to follow the manufacturer's instructions carefully.
  6. For minor repairs, you can use a jewellery polishing cloth to remove scratches and tarnish. These cloths are impregnated with a polishing compound and can be used to restore shine to your jewellery.
  7. If you are unsure about how to clean your stainless steel jewellery, consider taking it to a professional cleaner. They will have the tools and expertise to clean your jewellery safely and effectively.

By following these cleaning methods, you can keep your stainless steel jewellery looking its best for years to come.

Additional Tips and Warnings

Cleaning your stainless steel jewellery regularly will help keep it looking its best. However, there are some additional tips and warnings you should know to avoid damaging your jewellery.

Avoid Harsh Chemicals

While stainless steel is durable, it can still be damaged by harsh chemicals. Avoid using bleach, ammonia, or other abrasive cleaners on your jewellery. Instead, use mild dish soap and warm water to clean your jewellery.

Be Careful with Gemstones

If your stainless steel jewellery has gemstones, be careful when cleaning it. Some gemstones, such as opals and pearls, are delicate and can be damaged by water or cleaning solutions. If you're not sure how to clean your gemstone jewellery, take it to a jeweller for professional cleaning.

Watch for Scratches

Stainless steel is scratch-resistant, but it's not scratch-proof. Avoid wearing your jewellery while doing activities that could scratch it, such as playing sports or doing household chores. If your jewellery does get scratched, you can use a jewellery polishing cloth to buff out the scratches.

Keep Your Jewelry Dry

Stainless steel jewellery can be damaged by moisture, so it's important to keep it dry. Avoid wearing your jewellery while swimming or showering, and be sure to dry it thoroughly if it gets wet.

Store Your Jewelry Properly

When you're not wearing your stainless steel jewellery, be sure to store it properly. Keep it in a jewellery box or other container that will protect it from dust and scratches. Use a lint-free cloth to wrap your jewellery to prevent it from getting scratched.

Be Aware of Corrosive Elements

Stainless steel jewellery can be damaged by corrosive elements such as salt, sulphur, and molybdenum. Avoid wearing your jewellery in environments where these elements are present, such as when working with chemicals or in areas with high levels of pollution.

Check for Iron Content

Some stainless steel jewellery contains iron, which can cause it to rust over time. If you notice rust on your jewellery, stop wearing it immediately and take it to a jeweller for repair.

Use the Right Cleaner

When cleaning your stainless steel jewellery, be sure to use a cleaner that is specifically designed for stainless steel. Using the wrong cleaner can damage your jewellery and cause it to corrode.

exposed stainless steel necklace

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I restore the shine of my stainless steel jewellery?

To restore the shine of your stainless steel jewellery, you can use a few different methods. One option is to use a soft cloth and warm, soapy water to gently wipe down the jewellery. Another option is to use a polishing cloth specifically designed for stainless steel jewellery. You can also try using a mixture of baking soda and water to create a paste, which you can then use to gently scrub the jewellery.

What is the best way to clean stainless steel jewellery?

The best way to clean stainless steel jewellery is to use mild dish soap and warm water. You can also use a soft-bristled toothbrush to gently scrub the jewellery, being careful not to scratch the surface. After cleaning, rinse the jewellery thoroughly with warm water and dry it with a soft cloth.

Is it safe to clean stainless steel jewellery with hydrogen peroxide?

While hydrogen peroxide can be effective at cleaning some types of jewellery, it is not recommended for use on stainless steel. This is because hydrogen peroxide can cause discolouration or damage to the surface of the metal. Stick to using mild dish soap and warm water to clean your stainless steel jewellery.

What household items can I use to clean my stainless steel jewellery?

There are a few household items that you can use to clean your stainless steel jewellery. One option is to use a mixture of baking soda and water to create a paste, which you can then use to gently scrub the jewellery. Another option is to use white vinegar and a soft cloth to wipe down the jewellery. You can also use a soft-bristled toothbrush and a bit of mild dish soap to gently scrub the jewellery.

Can I use a jewellery cleaner on my stainless steel jewellery?

It is generally not recommended to use a jewellery cleaner on stainless steel jewellery. This is because some jewellery cleaners can contain harsh chemicals that can damage the surface of the metal. Stick to using mild dish soap and warm water to clean your stainless steel jewellery.

How do I remove tarnish from my stainless steel jewellery?

Stainless steel jewellery is resistant to tarnishing, but it can happen over time. To remove tarnish from your stainless steel jewellery, you can use a mixture of baking soda and water to create a paste, which you can then use to gently scrub the jewellery. Another option is to use white vinegar and a soft cloth to wipe down the jewellery. Be sure to rinse the jewellery thoroughly with warm water and dry it with a soft cloth after cleaning.