ARTFUL INSIGHT: Funtastico exhibition by Jaime Hayon
Walking into the exhibition of Spanish designer Jaime Hayon was like walking into Hayon's imaginary world where amusing, fantastic, and narrative elements are combined with fine detail and finishing.
This exhibition spans a range of his work over the past ten years, from early works (2003) when he created a dreamlike space comprising ceramic cactuses and strange animals, through the complex and intricate paintings and drawings that characterize him and include patterned portraits and drawings of animals and machine parts, to special projects he created for leading design companies such as Baccarat, Lladró, and Magis.
The chess set, which was created for the London Design Festival, is inspired by a typical London setting and atmosphere. Images like the Royal Guard, the royal family's horses, the decorated uniforms, and the buildings around Trafalgar Square inspired both the design of the chess pieces and their decoration.

I was particularly fascinated by the sketchbooks. I absolutely loved the diverse and detailed drawings, sketches and photos that represent ideas, imaginary figures and fantasies in such an immediate and fun manner.
I felt like the masks continued the fantasy theme displayed through the exhibition.
where: Design Museum Holon, Israel
when: November 30, 2015 - April 30, 2016